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ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

last flight –
a window mistaken
for blue sky

the words left untold
soaked yellow leaf hanging
on a metal fence

ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

ripe moon -
my pale hands
in the berry bushes

eightieth birthday
the streets paved with
cherry blossom petals

а sudden urge to tiptoe...
cherry blossom petals
carpet the street

wall shadows
the light from a passing car
cuts off the rabbit’s ears

wall shadows
the light from a passing car
cuts off the rabbit’s ears

vast blue
the whole sky
to only one bird

migrating birds …
resisting the urge
to nest

а sudden urge to tiptoe...
cherry blossom petals
carpet the street

opening door...
smell of ocean and
a blinding sun ray
I stumble once again 
into a new day

open window ... 
a bare branch offers her
last leaf

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